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Get token (Burn caps)

The only way to mint a CAPS token CAPS token logo is to burn your caps.

The maximum total supply of tokens is fixed at 21,000,000 and will be distributed equally across the 4 networks: Ethereum, Polygon, Fantom, and Binance (with 5,250,000 tokens for each network).

CAPS token distribution, tokenomics

Each collection's total value is halved, starting from the first collection.

Using app interface

Visit the "Burn" page.


First, you will need to activate approval so that the (token contract) can burn your caps. Check your wallet and confirm the approval.

CAPS burning waiting for approval message

Press "Pick" to open the picking modal.

Burn the caps pick button

Choose the caps you would like to transfer pressing on them, and close modal by tapping outside.

Pick the caps to burn modal


You can burn up to 20 caps per transaction

The number of tokens you'll receive will be automatically calculated. Press "Burn" and confirm action in your wallet.

Calculate burned caps price


The lower the condition of your cap, the greater amount of tokens you will receive.

Universal formula

All cap values are fixed, determined, and calculated by a formula:

(((Max supply / Networks) / (2^Collection number)) / Rarity types) / (Drop chance * (Total caps in collection / Networks)) / 100 * (Condition level * 9.0909))

Example calculation for Legendary, completely erased cap from 1st collection:

(((21000000/4/(2^1))/5)/(0.0025*(400000/4))/100*(11*9.0909)) = 2099.9979

Burning table

Look for the exact amount of tokens you can receive by burning your caps.

RarityCondition (%)1st collection2nd collectionn collection
LegendarySealed190.908995.4544190.9089 / 2^(n-1)
90 to 100381.8178190.9089381.8178 / 2^(n-1)
80 to 90572.7267286.3633572.7267 / 2^(n-1)
70 to 80763.6356381.8178763.6356 / 2^(n-1)
60 to 70954.5445477.2722954.5445 / 2^(n-1)
50 to 601145.4534572.72671145.4534 / 2^(n-1)
40 to 501336.3623668.18111336.3623 / 2^(n-1)
30 to 401527.2712763.63561527.2712 / 2^(n-1)
20 to 301718.1801859.09001718.1801 / 2^(n-1)
10 to 201909.0890954.54451909.0890 / 2^(n-1)
0 to 102099.99791049.99892099.9979 / 2^(n-1)
EpicSealed47.727223.863647.7272 / 2^(n-1)
90 to 10095.454447.727295.4544 / 2^(n-1)
80 to 90143.181671.5908143.1816 / 2^(n-1)
70 to 80190.908995.4544190.9089 / 2^(n-1)
60 to 70238.6361119.3180238.6361 / 2^(n-1)
50 to 60286.3633143.1816286.3633 / 2^(n-1)
40 to 50334.0905167.0452334.0905 / 2^(n-1)
30 to 40381.8178190.9089381.8178 / 2^(n-1)
20 to 30429.5450214.7725429.5450 / 2^(n-1)
10 to 20477.2722238.6361477.2722 / 2^(n-1)
0 to 10524.9994262.4997524.9994 / 2^(n-1)
RareSealed17.35538.677617.3553 / 2^(n-1)
90 to 10034.710717.355334.7107 / 2^(n-1)
80 to 9052.066026.033052.0660 / 2^(n-1)
70 to 8069.421434.710769.4214 / 2^(n-1)
60 to 7086.776743.388386.7767 / 2^(n-1)
50 to 60104.132152.0660104.1321 / 2^(n-1)
40 to 50121.487460.7437121.4874 / 2^(n-1)
30 to 40138.842869.4214138.8428 / 2^(n-1)
20 to 30156.198178.0990156.1981 / 2^(n-1)
10 to 20173.553586.7767173.5535 / 2^(n-1)
0 to 10190.908995.4544190.9089 / 2^(n-1)
UncommonSealed2.98291.49142.9829 / 2^(n-1)
90 to 1005.96592.98295.9659 / 2^(n-1)
80 to 908.94884.47448.9488 / 2^(n-1)
70 to 8011.93185.965911.9318 / 2^(n-1)
60 to 7014.91477.457314.9147 / 2^(n-1)
50 to 6017.89778.948817.8977 / 2^(n-1)
40 to 5020.880610.440320.8806 / 2^(n-1)
30 to 4023.863611.931823.8636 / 2^(n-1)
20 to 3026.846513.423226.8465 / 2^(n-1)
10 to 2029.829514.914729.8295 / 2^(n-1)
0 to 1032.812416.406232.8124 / 2^(n-1)
CommonSealed0.59650.29820.5965 / 2^(n-1)
90 to 1001.19310.59651.1931 / 2^(n-1)
80 to 901.78970.89481.7897 / 2^(n-1)
70 to 802.38631.19312.3863 / 2^(n-1)
60 to 702.98291.49142.9829 / 2^(n-1)
50 to 603.57951.78973.5795 / 2^(n-1)
40 to 504.17612.08804.1761 / 2^(n-1)
30 to 404.77272.38634.7727 / 2^(n-1)
20 to 305.36932.68465.3693 / 2^(n-1)
10 to 205.96592.98295.9659 / 2^(n-1)
0 to 106.54243.28126.5424 / 2^(n-1)